Friday, April 11, 2008

Ciao! Blogsitter!

As elluded to over the past two weeks Auntie Goosey and I have decided (against popular opinion and
mundane restraining orders) to re-embark on international goodwill spreading. We did a similar trip
in 1999, and labelled it "The Countess and The Pool Boy" Tour. We came home with great memories,
expensive leather goods, and double pneumonia. After joint hospitalization and recovery we made a
secret pact that we would do this again. The time has come. Sicily, Beware!
We are much more responsible now, and commitments must be met. Lucy has yet another toy poodle
and similarly I have my two blogs. She's kenneled her anchor, and I have Frannelled mine.
'Frannelled' you may ask? This is my guest blogger for as long as she wishes. She may even have to
write the obituary (God Forbid) for humor's sake. Fran and I met in Newport, RI and fell madly in
love, alright, we fell madly in a stupor of our own creation. Her talents are legendary and her ability
to sniff out cool scenes and fab people, even greater. She'll tell you all in her own blog, if you wish,
ask her for invite. There's always room. She may share grand stories from back in the day and may
relay reports from the reunion tour of The Countess and The Pool Boy. Mind you this is in between
cities and sticking her hand up a puppet's ass. Fran's currently a puppet wrangler on the National
Tour of 'Avenue Q". Without further ado, I present

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