Monday, March 24, 2008

Melonball Thursday.

Now the joy of a holiday is found in the traditions. Hanging of the wreath, carving of the pumpkin, burning down of the shed. We appreciate the holiday that much more through repitition, let's just keep beating that pinata (dead horse) until the candy falls down and makes everything sweet. Melonball Thursday is no exception.

The Unofficial Holiday celebrating Silliness has been in existance for twenty odd years. It's innocent and humble beginnings have endured the test of time due to it's traditions. The thursday before Easter must be appreciated with silly tales, melonball cocktails, melonball shots and/or melonballs themselves. Like a wise girl in my highschool year book said in her quote, "I graduated just to be silly." Some much of life can be missed if we don't stop and laugh about the flight we just slept through, or the puddle we fell in, or how that silly identity theft blew over in three years.

Here are the photos I've collected over the last couple of years. They're all precious in their own way but V's girl Gianna steals the show. Thanks to all forr their pix, and GirlFran, forgive me, I don't know where I saved the series that you sent me last year. AAaaaaarrrrgggggghhhhh..

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